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Battle River February 2025 Newsletter Header

February Newsletter is Out!

The February newsletter announces the withdrawal from the AFREA. Also learn about the new residential rate. February 2025 Newsletter Link. Share This Story, Choose…

Electric bill with calculator and light bulb on top

Electronic Billing Savings

Switch to Electronic Billing and SAVE! Starting this April (2024), if you sign up to or already receive your bills electronically, you'll save $1.00 per month in…

How electricity gets to your home

Emergency Alerts - What Are They?

At the end of September, 2022, Alberta experienced two grid alerts, leading to The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), the independent agency that oversees…

cover page of 2023 membership survey showing power poles passing grain field

2023 Membership Survey

The results of the Battle River Power Coop Illumina Member Satisfaction Survey have arrived. Download the Member Satisfaction Survey . The survey is important to help…

illustration: power generation

Electricity Delivery – Generation

The four key components of electricity delivery are Generation, Transmission, Distribution and End-User Consumer. All four work together in ultimately providing power…

illustration: summary of safety measures

Electricity Delivery – Transmission

There are four key components to the delivery of electricity: Generation, Transmission, Distribution and End-user Consumer. The second stage, transmission, is the…

illustration: power distribution

Electricity Delivery – Distribution

Electric power distribution is enabled by the Distributions System Owner/Operators, who are each responsible for serving consumers/members in specific regions of the…

planting power poles

The ‘DIRT’ on Underground Infrastructure

Beneath our feet lie hundreds of thousands of kilometers of pipes carrying natural gas, oil and water, and buried lines connecting telecommunications and electricity…

illustration, achievement & trophy

Savings, Standards & Transparency

Battle River Power Coop sets a competitive benchmark for the delivery cost of reliable, rural power service because we operate as a cooperative. We do not generate…

power pole erected in 1951

Electricity Comes to the Farm

A Member's Story. Battle River Power Coop thanks the Nelson family of the Angus Ridge District for sharing their family's story about bringing electricity to the…

Claire Nordin presents scholarship to Alyssa Henderson

Your Coop in the Community

At Battle River Power Coop, community service begins with the delivery of safe, reliable and cost-effective electricity to our members. As a cooperative, community…

illustration: summary of safety measures

Communication as a Safety Strategy

Albertans who work on farms, in businesses, industries, or utilities like Battle River Power Coop expect a safe work environment. To achieve this end, appropriate…

list of New Year's resolutions

Energy Efficiency

How are we Doing? Energy Efficiency is recognized as a key, cost-effective way to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Government of Canada and provincial…

power pole standing at side of rural road

Farm Equipment Transport Safety

During spring planting and fall harvest there is an increase in farm equipment making contact with power lines in rural Alberta. In the interest of public safety,…

hand pulling plug from socket

Wasting Less Energy

In 2017, the Government of Canada launched Generation Energy, “an open and inclusive nation-wide dialogue with stakeholders, experts and individual Canadians to…

illustration: tips for working in the cold

Electricity and YOU

The Effect of Electricity. The effect of electricity on your body really depends on the current of the power source and the length of time your body is exposed to it.…

guy wire hidden in foliage

Tree Cutting Safety

The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code mandates that if work or operating equipment comes within seven meters of an overhead power line the company must…

illustration: what is a guy wire

Guy Wires – What Are They?

A guy-wire, guy-line, or guy-rope, also known as simply a guy, is a tensioned cable designed to add stability to a free-standing structure. Some utility poles buried…

grain auger and seed bins at sunrise

Stay Safe Around Powerlines

Battle River Power Coop would like to remind all farmers as you head out for seeding season to look up and around to identify where the power poles and powerlines are…

vegetation growing close to power pole

Keeping Powerlines and Poles Clear

Why is it important to keep the land around powerlines and poles clear? You have a power pole and transformer in your yard; you want to cover it up with some more…


How Electricity Came to Rural Alberta

Today, it is hard to imagine life when homework was done by the light of coal oil lamps, water was pumped by hand and cooking was done on a wood stove. Only 70 years…

tornado sweeps across prairie

Tornado Safety

A Few Things to Know. About 15 tornadoes are verified in Alberta every year, with undoubtedly many others that are unobserved or unreported. Canada uses the Enhanced…

illustration: safe seeding

Working in the Cold

Battle River Power Coop would like to remind all farmers as they prepare for seeding season to look up and around to identify where power poles and powerlines are…

illustration: the job of a power technician

The Job of a Powerline Technician

Every day, Battle River Power Coop Powerline Technicians work to keep electricity flowing into our member’s homes. They are highly trained people who work on…