BRPC Celebrates 70 Years!!
Following the rural tradition of working together, farmers in rural Alberta cooperatively brought electricity to their farms. The result was the beginning of the Battle River Power Coop we know today. Over time, fellow Rural Electrification Associations joined us, creating a strong, self-sustaining, rural based, rural focused electric utility.
During those 70 years, commitment from Directors and dedication by employees has created an innovative, successful, member-driven, full-service utility. Guided by cooperative principles and locally owned, Battle River Power Coop works diligently to leave savings in members’ hands – savings that every year remain in the rural communities that we serve.
Members of Battle River Power Coop are invited to join the celebration of our 70th Anniversary at the Annual General Meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2019, at the Norsemen Inn, in Camrose. This is your opportunity to hear about the business of your member-owned cooperative, view financials and meet Directors and staff. The agenda includes election of Directors, presentation of scholarships and reports by the Chair of the Board of Directors and the General Manager. It is a time to connect with fellow members. enjoy a great meal and possibly take home a door prize.
The theme of the 2019 AGM is Celebrating 70 years of Tradition and Innovation. It reminds us of the history of rural power in Alberta and the hard work by farmers who brought power to their own farms. It also reminds us that success rests on the ability to adapt and innovate, as Battle River Power Coop continues to do, always with the goal of providing safe, reliable, cost-effective power to our members.
To plan for food and seating, members are asked to buy tickets in advance ($5.00 each) or to reserve them by calling the office at 1.877.428.3972.