Electricity Delivery – Distribution
Electric power distribution is enabled by the Distributions System Owner/Operators, who are each responsible for serving consumers/members in specific regions of the province. Battle River Power Coop is a DSO in central Alberta, responsible for rural services in an area that stretches from Bruderheim in the north to the Village of Alix in the south, and east from the Town of Wainwright to the Village of Thorsby in the west, spanning 13 Alberta Municipal Districts and Counties.
In its role as an electricity distributer, Battle River Power Coop is part of the system that moves electricity from high-voltage substation transformers to local lower-voltage lines that carry electricity to consumers’ meters. It is an independent, cooperatively owned utility that operates and maintains its electricity system, plans and builds new services, responds to power outages and manages vegetation around lines, to name some of its activities. The Distribution Tariff on members’ monthly bills is established annually by the Board of Directors and covers these and other costs necessary to the successful operation of the Coop.
End User- The Consumer: Electricity demand in Alberta continues to grow. While consumer education and energy efficient products slow the increase in power usage, the total electricity requirements for the province continue to rise. Population growth and expansion in industry and business sectors mean increased demand for electricity. In Alberta, 78% of electricity consumption is commercial/industrial, 8% is residential and 3% is farms.
Consumer locations in Battle River Power Coop service area are metered and electricity consumption is determined via meter reads. The cost is reflected in the energy line on members’ bills.
All members are free to purchase electricity services from the regulated rate provider or from a retailer of their choice. The delivery of electricity to you is not affected by your choice. If you change who you purchase electricity services from, you will continue receiving electricity from the distribution company in your service area. For a current list of retailers you may choose from, visit www.ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).