Blog & News

power pole laying in ditch after being hit by car

Winter Driving Tips

The winter season is here which means snow! But it also means slower driving, blizzards, potential black ice, slush, wind, and all the other winter conditions that…

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The Coop Advantage

Why the Coop Advantage is Right for You. A cooperative is broadly defined as a business owned and run by its members, who use and benefit from its goods or services.…

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Alberta Energy Grid

For two weeks in February, people around North America watched as Texas’s power grid (ERCOT) went offline due to the frigid Arctic air unaccustomed to our neighbours…

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Anatomy of A Power Pole

What do you see when you look up at a power pole? A power pole is a post used to support overhead power lines and public utilities, such as power lines and related…

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Planned Power Outages

Battle River Power Coop is conscious of how important lights turning on with a flick of a switch is to our members. While we don’t like interrupting your service,…

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Vegetation Management

Mitch Stevenson is our Vegetation Manager here at Battle River Power Coop. He has a diploma in Electrical Technology from Algonquin College in Ottawa, ON, is an I.S.A…

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Power Pole Safety - FAQ

For the safety of our Powerline Technicians, please do not install or attach anything to Battle River Power poles or facilities. It may be tempting to hang secondary…

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Farm Wives During Harvest

Fall is already here! Pumpkin spice lattes are back at coffee shops. Oversized sweaters are coming out of storage. Temperatures are getting colder and the leaves are…

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Self Care During Fall Harvest

Sleep Better, Feel Better, Work Safer. As summer gradually draws to a close, farmers across the province are gearing up for one of their busiest seasons, fall…

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What Happens During an Unplanned Power Outage?

What our members see during an unplanned power outage is their power shutting off and then the power coming back on. But what happens behind the scenes while the…

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Power Pole Safety

Why Attaching Objects to Poles is Dangerous and Illegal. While placing signs on rural power poles may seem like an inexpensive way to advertise, it is against the law…

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How is Battle River Power Coop Different?

What makes Battle River Power Coop different from the rest? YOU do! As a coop, Battle River Power Coop is member-owned. There are no outside stockholders receiving…

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Celebrating 20 Years of BRPC - Part 3

Soon after the year 2000, planning began for Battle River Power Coop’s present office and yard. The location is as central as possible for the members in our service…

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Celebrating 20 Years of BRPC - Part 2

The past 20 years of Battle River Power Coop history are defined by its development into a fully operational electricity distribution utility. During this journey…

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Celebrating 20 Years of BRPC - Part 1

Battle River Power Coop has a proud history going back 71 years. The story began with Alberta farmers who formed cooperative Rural Electrification Associations (REAs)…

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Stay in the Loop with BRPC

Battle River Power Coop is nearing its seventy-first anniversary as an electricity distributor in rural central Alberta. Our long and successful history rests on a…

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Spring Fire Prevention

Prevent Fires This Spring. Many rural Albertans take advantage of cold winter weather and snow cover to burn brush piles, old buildings or unused bales. A permit is…

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BRPC School Presentations

Electrical Safety in Rural Schools. Why should you never approach a downed powerline? What are behaviors to avoid around electrical structures like pad mount…

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Youth in Coops

Cooperative businesses are one of the cornerstones of the rural Alberta economy. They are vital to the farming community in such diverse roles as the marketing of…

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What is a Coop?

Two-thirds of Albertans have at least one cooperative membership, yet many coop members will have difficulty explaining what a coop is. Defining a cooperative is…

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Alberta’s Farm Safety Legislation

On January 31, 2020 the Farm Freedom and Safety Act came into effect, replacing the Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act enacted by the previous Alberta…

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Cybersecurity on the Farm

Alberta farmers are increasingly tech-savvy, using computer programs to calculate the need for soil additives, determine the best feed mix for cattle, and regulate…

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Working in the Cold

Albertans work outdoors in the winter, shoveling sidewalks, clearing driveways, feeding and watering animals, and working on jobsites. While our attention is drawn to…

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Understanding your Monthly Bill

Monthly bills sent out by Battle River Power Coop contain a breakdown of charges, found in the centre portion of the bill. Each category has its own purpose:. ENERGY:…