Blog & News

colorful hot air balloons on volunteer factor poster

The Volunteer Factor

Lifting Communities. Volunteer Canada tells us that 12.7 million Canadians serve their communities as volunteers and a recent study by the Conference Board of Canada…

Spring Energy Efficiency

Make use of your windows. Spring can be an erratic season but your windows can help equalize the temperature. Leave your blinds/drapes open when it’s colder so the…

illustration: safety presentations

Learn about Electrical Safety

Battle River Power Coop promotes electrical safety in the community by making available two electrical safety presentations, one suitable for school classes (grade 5…

boom lifts power poles

A Story of Innovation

In June 2019, Battle River Power Coop will celebrate its 70th anniversary. It is a time to reflect on the past, innovate in the present and plan for the future.…

Rural Crime Prevention

Alberta’s Rural Crime Reduction Program was launched by the RCMP in March of 2017 with the establishment of four units across the province. To use resources as…

oasis of green trees on prairie farm

OHS Legislation for Farms and Ranches

On December 1, 2018, changes to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulations applying to farms and ranches will come into effect. Alberta’s OHS laws only…

power pole standing at side of rural road

Options For Paying Your Bill

Utility billing is part of the full spectrum of services that Battle River Power Coop provides to our members. Most meters are read using Automated Meter Reading…

illustration, magnifying glass and questions

FAQ - New Services

Albertans enquiring about electrical service in rural Alberta are often unfamiliar with Rural Electrification Associations. Following are some frequently asked…

carbon tax letters on blocks atop stacks of coins on grass

Carbon Tax & You

The upcoming carbon tax hike in Alberta is expected to impact energy prices and affordability for consumers throughout the province. At Battle River Power Coop, we…