Stay in the Loop with BRPC
Battle River Power Coop is nearing its seventy-first anniversary as an electricity distributor in rural central Alberta. Our long and successful history rests on a commitment to serve the rural Albertans who are member-owners of their electricity cooperative. Respect for tradition is combined with innovative advancements, personal service, and transparent communications to provide the best possible member service.
Get the latest information about Battle River Power Coop by making use of the communications channels that suit you best.
Battle River Power Coop website: This is the most complete information source about the cooperative and offers the opportunity to delve into topics of your choice, either briefly or in-depth. Tabs invite you to explore basic information about us, the services we offer, our community involvement, and much more.
Social media: Battle River Power Coop uses Twitter and Facebook to post the activities and locations of crews working in the field and the status of any outages. You will also find items of general interest about Battle River Power Coop, the electricity industry and the farming community. Look for @BRPowerCoop on twitter and @brpowercoop on Facebook.
Monthly Newsletter: Our goal is open and transparent communication. The newsletter, sent with the monthly bills, keeps members up to date with news of interest about Battle River Power Coop and the rural community. Past issues are on the BRPC website.
Annual General Meeting (AGM): This is where the members hear the yearly financial report and elect Directors. Regrettably, the 2020 AGM, originally scheduled for June 18, is postponed until further notice. The Board of Directors meets regularly via conference call, and continues to monitor COVID-19 directives from the Alberta Government. They will set a new date for the AGM when it is determined to be safe to do so. Tickets already purchased will be honoured at the AGM on its revised date.