Install Our App

By installing our app, you will have quick access to power outage and other information directly from your device. If you have a slow internet connection, this will help speed up your access to information updates.

When you give permission to install our app, we do not set a cookie, record any personal information, or store any data about your permission. Your consent is managed solely on your device.

The power outage app does use Google Maps, and Google Maps sets cookies. For more details about Google cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. For more details about your privacy, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

By installing the app, you are providing consent for Google to install cookies on your device.

You can uninstall the app at any time: Uninstall our app from your device.

Install App

You are using Chrome browser on an iOS Device

To install our app we recommend you use the Safari browser.

You are using an iOS Device

To install this app:

  • Tap the "Share" icon at the bottom center of your screen. (If you don't see the icon, scroll up slightly, so the address bar shows.)
  • A panel appears titled: Install Battle River Power App.
  • Scroll down until you see the "Add to Home Screen" option.
  • Tap "Add to Home Screen".
  • Tap "Add" in the upper right.